Friday, September 9, 2016

New Facebook Page

I just created a Facebook page. Crafts by Sherilyn
Drop by and say hi. Like the page to get updates.

I hope to be making a much longer post here soon with photos. I have a need to show my work in order to get a booth. Cross my fingers I can get it all done in time for next month.

lots of love to you guys,

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Story's dress

I wanted to make my little one a skirt to go with her brothers' St. Patrick's day shirt. (Ya know recycle his old by adding some pink?) Well when I looked for his said shirt I realized it was too small.
This led to me creating her a whole dress instead. I conversed with my mom and scoured my Pinterest pins. I ended up making a decision to create something that would survive through summer and not just her birthday. So I created a reversible Pillow Case dress with ...tulle in between the bottom layers to give it that girly appeal.

I have two photos. I didn't start out with the idea of posting the project so forgive me for not showing all the stops. This is my first post since creating this blog but I hope in the near future I will not only post more crafts but a step by step walk through and/or accompanying video.

I took baby girls measurements and added 2 inches to make sure that it would fit with seam allowances. I learned that it was not enough, the dress fits her but it isn't as roomy as I envisioned. I also took length measurements too and added one inch. I wanted the dress to fall around her knees so that she can crawl in it without tripping. Measure around the baby and from shoulder to knee. I used an old shirt to trace and add an inch more for her sleeve cut out. (I wasn't inserting just getting the cut right.)

Here is my fabric all cut out and waiting for assembly. Too cute right?! down the sides of each panel with the two 

And I had to fidget with how I put it together because flying by the seat of your pants ends up in mistakes. Happily my new idea engineered the dress I wanted. It all turned out great.

I have all kinds of projects in mind so do stay tuned. Once I get the hang of blogging and vlogging I am sure the post times in between will shorten considerably.

Keep and eye on my ETSY page too. I will make sure to add items to my shop when I make duplicates.

All my love to you guys.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day one!

Today I took the leap and called the bank to open and business account.
I have started down the rabbit hole of research into how to start and run a small business.

I am overwhelmed with all the information and have started to jot things down in order to organize the influx of new knowledge.

I can and shall conquer this. I am also terribly excited to see a dream start to take shape from the idea in my head to a real life entity.

I have one item up for sale on my ETSY page and one more to post. I don't have a banner or logo. My brand is only just brand new.

I will have to remind myself that currently I do not have the time to dedicate to my business that it needs in order to flourish and grow, so I must be patient and do what I can where I find time.

Thank you for taking your time to go on this journey with me, or for dropping by to real a little ditty.

lots of love and smiles,